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Heat Pump Water Heater (HPWH) Best Practices Field Guide

Guiding Water Heating Standards

Heat Pump Water Heaters (HPWH) can lower energy costs, energy consumption and carbon footprint, reducing the impact of greenhouse gas emissions. Although HPWHs are widely commercially available, they are not widely installed. This is partly because the industry lacked a standard set of best practices to guide quality outcomes, and installers lacked a clear, step-by-step visual guide to use in the field. 

To address this barrier, RHA applied for and won TECH Clean California’s Quick Start Grant to produce a best practices document and visual field guide. RHA assembled subject-matter experts and a technical advisory committee from our existing network, contractors supporting low-income weatherization programs and training organizations to document HPWH retrofit installation best practices. The final product from this work, the “Best Practices for the Retrofit Installation of Heat Pump Water Heaters” document is used contractors when in the field installing HPWHs.

Our Results

Developed HPWH Best Practices Guide to be used statewide and nationally

Developed HPWH Visual Field Guide for installers



  • Developed the HPWH best practices document
  • Created a HPWH visual field guide for installers
  • Collaborated with subject matter experts, technical advisory committee members, contractors and training organizations